The work in this section was the foundation onto which in the summer of 2019 I built upon my first significant series of paintings after almost a decade away from a consistent studio practice. These are a type of key in a map or blueprint for the Nomenclature series.
This is a series of 11 large format paintings on canvas, exhibited in the Fall 2021 at Galeria de Arte de la Universidad Sagrado Corazón in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The title of this exhibition was Del reino y de la rueda: nomenclatura para pinturas coloniales. The exhibition presents a formalist study in color and process as well as a look into the colonial reality of Puerto Rico through its vernacular architecture which functions as the grounding form for each painting in the series. The paintings are non linear narratives with numerous literary and historical references that allow the viewer to navigate each object for itself but also as a collective.
Thi is an ongoing series that started after the conclusion of the exhibition Del reino y de la rueda: nomenclatura para pinturas coloniales in 2021. In it, I have been exploring the ideas on painting and the lessons learned during the Nomenclature strict system driven parameters and non linear narratives. This series is intentionally intuitive, abstract and open in form and systems. If the nomenclature series of paintings were short stories, these are “haikus”, poetic, immediate and free.
The work in this section is part as well of the post nomenclature explorations in terms of approach with the only difference that these are paintings on paper instead of canvas or hard surfaces like wood, masonite or aluminum.